
“Real-time 3D is associated with a large salary premium: 57% above the average advertised salary and 18% above the average advertised salary for jobs requesting 3D graphics skills in general.”

– Burning Glass Technologies / Epic Games


Video courtesy of Unreal Engine



In this digital-centric age, we are looking for forward-thinking career seekers and industry leading strategic partners to bring a new standard of talent to the UK’s digital economy.

If you’re a student, graduate or job seeker then please contact us using the form below. Alternatively, if you’re a lecturer or business leader then please use the form below to let us know how we can help each other shape your talent to further help enable you to be a leader in real-time interactive 3D.


Get in touch.

Apply to PROTOGÉ if you are:

  • A graduate or undergraduate seeking a placement or internship in the games, immersive or interactive real-time 3D industry.

  • A jobseeker or career-switcher needing experience and training through a traineeship, apprenticeship or government-backed kickstart scheme.

  • An employer or hiring manager looking to drive innovation and certified talent into a business to fill a skills gap.

  • An academic or educator looking to benefit from an attractive work-based experience option for your students.